Thursday, June 6, 2013

The invasion has begun!

Any hopes or dreams Michelle & I may have had about being minimalists when it came to baby "stuff" pretty much went out the window when we found out there were three babies. And yet, I guess I haven't fully let go of my idea of a blanket on the living room floor with maybe an activity gym & mirror for entertainment, followed by cardboard boxes, wooden spoons & plastic cups as the baby got older. I do recognize the practical value of bouncy seats, swings, bumbos, & exersaucers/jumpers as safe places for one or two babies to be while we change the third, make food, shower, etc, but I don't think I'm quite mentally prepared for baby stuff to overtake the living room & the rest of the house.
This realization hit me Tuesday night when we went to Erinn's house to help clear out her basement. Erinn is one of Michelle's professors & she generously offered to give us a TON of baby/toddler equipment & toys that her kids have outgrown.

We filled up the entire Rav4 and it was while we were unloading it all into the house that it hit me that we were truly being invaded! Right now, as you can see in the pictures, it's all sitting in the guest bedroom until we can go through, organize and find better homes for everything. And while this was the "motherload" so far, we still haven't gone "shopping" in Kathleen's attic where she's been stockpiling stuff for us to go through!

We've been seriously blown away by the generosity of our community and friends and family. Kate has a load of hand-me-downs she's bringing to the baby shower in Chicago and we've already gone through boxes and bags of clothing & such handed down from friends and even people we don't know. I arrived at a client's house one day to find a big bag if clothes someone had given them that they were now passing onto us! Some days I get to my office & there's a pile of goodies waiting for me. If there is one thing we know, it's that we are surrounded by amazing & wonderful people and these are three very lucky babies to be born into this community of love.

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