Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pizza Party!

As you might imagine with the winter we've had we are more than a little stir crazy around here and are really having to work to come up with new and fun indoor activities.  This weekend our friend and her little one came to hang out and join us for dinner.  I told her I was planning to make pizza for dinner.  What I did not tell her was that I was planning on EVERYONE making their own personal pizzas.  I think she had her doubts but trusted that we'd done this before...only, we hadn't!  I confessed that I had no idea if or how it would work, but I was going to go for it and just accept that half of the food might end up on the floor and that they would likely be covered in sauce.  So we stripped them all down and went for it.  We let them choose red or green sauce and they did a great job helping to spread the sauce.
 Next up was topping selection, sampling, and placement!  There was a lot of sampling going on!  Gotta make sure those tomatoes are actually yummy before putting them on the pizza, right?!
They did actually put some of the toppings ON the pizza instead of straight into their mouths!
The hardest part was waiting for them to cook in the oven!!!  But the babies were actually pretty patient and we kept them going with a few more "samples" while they waited.  Then it was time to dig in!


Big bite!!

sharing with Mommy!

C going for the toppings only!
 I love the looks I caught in the next two pics!

All in all a successful collective dinner making activity!  Everyone ate at least half of their pizza and shockingly there was very little mess.  We have Humphrey to thank for some of the floor clean up for sure, but it certainly wasn't as bad as we feared!
Oh yeah!  We also let the babies try our "fizzy water" last night at the end of the pizza party!  Hope you enjoy this video of their reactions!  Avery had already tried it a couple times before I started recording...

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